Highlights of Current Issue 2025 | Vol 02 | Issue 02
Molecular docking has made a significant contribution to the drug development process, yet it is far from flawless. This chapter will give an overview of molecular dockin...
The use of plant based medicine has a long history in India. Only a small percentage of the many herbal medications available in India have undergone rigorous research to...
Traditional and herbal drugs have become increasingly popular worldwide due to its holistic approach and remedies derived from nature. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can au...
Jatropha curcas is used in medicine to cure various ailments in Africa. This study investigates the antibacterial potential of the n-hexane leaf extract of Jatropha curca...
Groundwater sustainability and management are crucial for regions experiencing resource depletion. This study focuses on aquifer mapping and strategic groundwater managem...
Thuja occidentalis, also referred to as Arborvitae or Northern White Cedar, is a significant conifer native to eastern North America. Historically valued for its medicina...
Wakefulness, a current sleep complaint, significantly impacts internal and physical health, especially in aged grown-ups.Lavenderessential oil painting, uprooted from Lav...
Migration from hilly regions to the urban regions of plains has been a significant socio-economic phenomenon in Kumaon of Indian mid Himalayan region. Mostly it is driven...