Taking credit for the ideas and work of others without proper attribution is both unethical and deceitful. It is important to avoid any form of plagiarism, whether it involves copying even a single sentence from another manuscript or reusing your own previously published work without appropriate citation. Instead, always strive to express concepts using your own words.
Authors have a responsibility to ensure the originality of their manuscript content during the drafting process. If any part of the work or the words of others have been used, it must be appropriately cited or quoted. To maintain the integrity of the publication, all articles submitted to IJSRT undergo thorough plagiarism screening. If plagiarism is detected at any stage of the review or editorial process, the affected manuscript(s) will be promptly rejected. In cases where plagiarism is discovered after publication, the corresponding manuscript(s) will be retracted from the journal, and an official announcement will be made regarding this action. Depending on the severity of the case, appropriate measures may be taken against the authors, including barring them from future publication opportunities. Instances of plagiarism can also be brought to the attention of the authors' funding agencies, their affiliated institutions, and the original authors whose work has been plagiarized.