Authors Guidelines

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Instructions to Authors

All manuscripts be submitted in MS Word format, as it is the preferred format for our journal. To ensure proper placement when published, please insert illustrations (figures) and images directly into the manuscript at the desired positions. This allows us to maintain the integrity and visual coherence of the content.


The language of presentation for all papers is English. To ensure consistency and readability, please type each manuscript single-spaced on A4 paper (8.5" x 11") with 1-inch margins. The manuscript should be organized in the following sequence: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment, and References. Adhering to this order will facilitate a clear and logical flow of information within your paper.


The title page should include essential information presented in a clear format. The paper's title should be written in bold face, title case, and font size 14. The names of the authors should follow in normal face, uppercase, and font size 12. Do not include prefixes any like Dr., Mr., Mrs., Prof. in front of author names. The authors' affiliations should be provided in normal face, lowercase. The corresponding author should be indicated with an asterisk mark. The title should be concise, accurately reflecting the nature of the work being communicated. Authors' names should be listed using initials followed by surnames. At the bottom left corner of the title page, please include the phrase "*Address for Correspondence" along with a functional email address. If the corresponding author's address differs from the affiliations already provided, it should be indicated separately. By adhering to these formatting guidelines, we can ensure clarity and effective communication of the manuscript's content. Please ensure accuracy and completeness when preparing the title page.


The abstract section should begin on a new page following the title page. To set it apart from the introduction, it should be typed in single-space format. The abstract serves as a concise summary of the study and is especially important as many databases primarily list abstracts. It is recommended that the abstract be between 150 to 250 words, providing a brief overview of all the key aspects of the research. Crafting a comprehensive abstract allows readers to quickly grasp the essential points of the manuscript.


After the abstract, please include four to six relevant keywords. These keywords should accurately represent the main themes or topics addressed in the manuscript. Choosing appropriate keywords helps facilitate effective indexing and searching of the article, enabling readers to easily locate and access the content they are interested in.


The introduction section should provide a concise overview of the research problem, followed by a brief review of the existing literature. This sets the context for the study and helps readers understand the background and significance of the research. Additionally, clearly state the objectives of the research, highlighting the specific goals and aims that the study aims to achieve. By presenting a clear and focused introduction, readers can grasp the purpose and motivation behind the research.


This should include a brief description of the procedures, techniques, or instruments used to gather the necessary information. By presenting a summary of the materials and methods, readers can gain insight into the experimental setup and data collection process.


This segment should focus on the fulfillment of stated objectives as given in the introduction. It should contain the findings presented in the form of tables, figures and photographs.


The references must be in Vancouver style only. It should be numbered consecutively based on their first mention in the text, following a numerical order rather than alphabetical. In-text citations, as well as references mentioned in tables and legends, should be indicated by Arabic numerals in superscript format. References cited solely within tables or figure legends should be numbered according to the sequence established by their initial identification in the text of the respective table or figure. This consistent numbering system helps maintain clarity and ensures accurate referencing throughout the manuscript.


Shashi A, Jain SK and Pandey M: In-vitro evaluation of antilthiatic activity of seeds of Dolichos biflorus and roots of Asparagus racemosus, International Journal of Plant Sciences (2008), 1:67-71.


Kalia AN: A Text Book of Industrial Pharmacognosy. CBS Publishers & Distributors, First Edition 2005.


Nadkarni KM: Indian Materia Medica. Popular Prakashan, Mumbai, Edition 3, Vol. I, 2000: 242-246.


All tables and figures should be appropriately placed within the text. When preparing tables, please use only the table format available in MS Word. Tables should include lines that separate rows. They should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals and provided with a concise title in capital letters, in regular font style. To ensure readability and ease of reference, tables should not be excessively large to the extent that they span more than one A4-sized page. By following these guidelines, we can maintain consistency and clarity in the presentation of tables throughout the manuscript.


Our journal strictly adheres to the guidelines outlined in the IUPAC Manual of symbols and terminology for physicochemical quantities and units. By following these established rules, we ensure consistency and accuracy in the representation of scientific measurements and units. This commitment to standardized terminology and symbols enhances the clarity and understanding of the published research within the field of science and technology.


In addition to full papers, our journal also welcomes the submission of short communications. Short communications are ideal for sharing exciting findings, preliminary data, or studies that may not contain sufficient information to warrant a full paper. While short communications follow the same formatting requirements as full papers, they are limited to a maximum of 10 pages in length. It is important to note that short communications should not include subtitles such as Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion. Instead, these sections should be seamlessly integrated into the running text. Ideally, short communications should include 3 to 4 illustrations, which can effectively support and enhance the presentation of the research findings. By providing a platform for concise yet impactful scientific contributions, short communications offer researchers the opportunity to share important discoveries in a succinct manner.


Review articles, a significant part of our journal, are expected to be approximately 15 to 30 pages in length. They should offer up-to-date information and provide a comprehensive coverage of the relevant literature pertaining to the chosen topic. Ideally, review articles are authored by scientists who possess a profound understanding and expertise in the subject matter. These articles follow the same formatting requirements as full papers, ensuring consistency in the presentation and structure. By publishing high-quality review articles, we aim to provide readers with valuable insights, synthesis of knowledge, and a broader understanding of the selected research area.


All manuscripts (must be in English and in MS Word format) and should be submitted via our online system or through e-mail as an attachment for quick evaluation .


By submitting a manuscript to our journal, authors assert that the work has not been previously published and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. As part of the publication process, authors will be provided with a form by the Editor, which requires their signature. This form transfers the copyright to the journal, ensuring that the manuscript can be published. This step is necessary to protect the rights of both the authors and the journal, and to maintain proper attribution and ownership of the published work.


In the interest of ethical considerations, authors who publish results derived from in vivo experiments involving animals or humans are required to indicate whether they obtained the necessary permissions from the relevant ethics committees. This information should be explicitly mentioned in the Materials and Methods section of the manuscript. Furthermore, authors conducting research involving human studies are also requested to provide a notary verified letter of approval from the Ethics Committee or the Institutional Review Board, demonstrating compliance with ethical guidelines. These measures ensure that the welfare and rights of the subjects involved in the study are protected, reinforcing the integrity and ethical standards of our publication.


It is essential for all authors submitting a manuscript to our journal to disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of the manuscript. These conflicts of interest should be clearly stated within the manuscript itself. By disclosing any such conflicts, we ensure transparency and maintain the integrity of the publication process. It is important to provide this information to allow readers and reviewers to evaluate the work with full knowledge of any potential influences that may exist.


There is no article submission charges. Only after acceptance authors need to pay article processing charges. To know more about article processing charges. kindly check out the link Publication Charges